Use it or Lose it – Our library

Article For Church Newsletters etc          Aug 2023

Being stuck at home may not be a lot of fun. It can be hard getting all the essential things done. It leaves no energy for the things that bring you joy, like getting in the library books. How many of us get a real thrill out of looking at all the books on the library shelves, seeking out new titles to enjoy or familiar volumes to read again.

But help is at hand, the Bristol Home Library Service is available for anyone over 18, living in Bristol and who is unable to get to their local library for reasons of age, disability or responsibility. The HLS has DBS checked volunteers in most parts of the city who will be happy to come around to your house and keep your book pile topped up. They will fetch you a specific book you want or bring suggestions for your pleasure, (librarians are very helpful with this.) The free service is offered monthly and most of our volunteers have time to stop for a chat when they visit.

So perhaps you are the person who needs the service! In which case call or e mail me using the details at the bottom.

Perhaps you know someone who might enjoy this service? In which case tell them about it and either give them the details or call us with them and we will get in touch.

Or perhaps you enjoy going to the library, and have a little time to spare and might be willing to join our team of volunteers. In which case get in touch! (We cant pay you but we can refund expenses, and you will be joining a wonderful team and making a real difference to someone’s life.)

So please can I ask you to share the good news around and help reduce isolation in our community.

Thanking you in advance

Ken Luxon. Service Manager, Bristol Home Library Service. or 07714 898 558